HB Bass Drum Pedal 700 Series Chain Drive Kick Drum Pedal

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PCH Series Bass Drum Kick Pedal Cast Steel Plate Chain Drive Adjustable spring tension

You can also take your home studio to another home or even pro studio and integrate your project into their set up or simply transfer your tracks. Having this option has saved me lots of time and money as well as improving on some of the quality of some tracking I wasn't able to do at home. After which, you simply pack up your laptop and go plug it back into your own home studio with all those new tracks to play around with.

What made this change-over so appealing to me was how much laptops have improved in the last couple of years. With the speed, power, and storage capacity rivaling some of the top desk top models. Throw in the portability factor and it was a no-brainer.

Which laptop?

Using a laptop for home studio recording projects is a great idea. After trading in my big ol' desktop a few years ago I put everything onto my laptop including my music recording software. Using mainly Pro Tools and sometimes Digital Performer, but also have used Cakewalk and Cubase in the past.

Laptop For Home Studio Recording

The choice for PC users has come down to this: Intel Core 2 Duo Pro. Luckily for us, they have started producing laptops that are truly high performance music production machines. The key point here is the Intel Core Duo CPU processors. Yup, two processors to make these laptops run many times faster than any high powered desk top you may have be using.

Mac Computers

Same thing applies to macs. The new Mac PowerBooks have Intel core 2 duo as well, making them faster than anything we've seen yet. These are truly amazing at only 1 inch in thickness and up to 4 Gig's of memory and 250 Gig hard drives.

Considering these kind of features and their portability and small usage space on your desk, any home recording studio enthusiast would be crazy to even think about a big ol' desk top anymore.

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