One great way of learning to play the guitar is to use some simple guitar songs. This makes it easier to understand the tablatures and gets you more used to playing. If you can "sight read" a particular song, it will be easier to learn how to play the guitar. This all depends on your musical experience.
Some experts think guitarists can sing along with songs and then learn it on the guitar as they go. An interest in the type of music you want to play is also a great help because you will be more enthusiastic about it all.
Easy Guitar Songs To Play On The Guitar
Using easy guitar songs in order to learn how to play the guitar helps the beginner to learn the rhythm and pace of the song. If you listen to the song first or, better still, pick something you already know, you will have a good idea of how it is supposed to sound. With this knowledge, you can practice getting the note pattern and tempo right.
Music is the language of the soul, according to the old saying. It can speak to you and evoke certain feelings and emotions. Nearly everybody likes music of one type or another and many others want to learn to play an instrument, such as the guitar.
If you use simple guitar songs to teach yourself to play, you will help to tune your ear for music. When you know how to listen well, you will be able to know if you are playing the right note or if you have made a mistake. You will also know if your notes are slightly off key and if your guitar needs to be tuned up.
Using these easy guitar songs can make a huge difference in your ability to learn the guitar. It is, of course, much more difficult to learn the instrument if you are not able to have easy tools such as easy songs and a guitar. And remember - take your time because practice makes perfect!
When someone plays the guitar, other people assume they have either had professional lessons or taught themselves. Whichever way you go about learning, it is important to use the right techniques to play the guitar properly rather than develop any bad habits which might be hard to get rid of later on.
Let us not forget the blue note. It's best to think in terms of that minor pentatonic scale again (played at the 5th fret; A) in order to analyze the blue note. The blue note occurs by lowering the 5th of the A minor pentatonic scale by a half step. Therefore, the actual blues scale would now contain the following notes: A-C-D-Eb-E-G. The Eb isthe blue note. The strict theorists have an obsessive need to hear the blue note. I agree with their obsession. The blue note (lowered 5th of the A minor pentatonic scale) sounds great played against the A7 chord, D9 chord, and the E9 chord. This is the authentic blues scale.
2008 Michael E. Fletcher. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Try playing an E Mixolydian Scale (Mixolydian Mode) against the E9 chord (V chord). This also adds an element of surprise for the listener. There are literally hundreds of options and choices that we could analyze for a blues progression. It's all about the choices. Knowledge is king. Application is just a simple matter of choice.
Playing Blues Guitar - The Blue Note and Beyond
Ultra Guitar Method is designed to place years of professional playing experience under your fingers in a very short amount of time thus, placing you light years ahead of the competition. All theoretical, technical, mechanical, and application principles contained in the method are designed exclusively for the guitar. Learning is made exciting and fun.
The next time you bump in to this type of progression, experiment with sound. For example, play the A minor pentatonic scale over the I chord (A7). When you progress to the D9 chord (IV chord), play an A Dorian Scale (Dorian Mode). The Dorian Mode works well against the sound of the D9 chord. Why? Here's a good field trip for some of you. Go back and read my article entitled The Dorian Mode-What Every Guitarist Should Know. Look for the most characteristic element of the Dorian Mode. Then, analyze the D9 chord. Is there something that both the Dorian Mode (played at 5th fret; A) and the D9 chord have in common? Of course there is. You really didn't think you'd get out of this article without putting in some work, did you?
Now, we all know that a true pentatonic scale consists of a root note, b3rd, 4th, 5th, and b7th. Therefore an A minor Pentatonic Scale would contain the following notes: A (root), C (b3rd), D (4th), E (5th), and G (b7th). Once again, this A minor pentatonic scale works great when played over the A7, D9, and E9 chords. However, it's fun to experiment and switch things up a little bit when performing for an audience. This is where clever departure from the anticipated and standard really pays off. Think about this concept for a minute (wish I could remember where I heard this). If we change the way we look at things, then the things we look at change. It's a simple, but a very profound lesson in life and in music.
Playing Blues guitar can be fun and rewarding for those who choose this particular style. While Blues is a standard part of my teaching curriculum, my personal favorite and style is progressive Pop-Rock. The challenges, for me, are much greater and the choices are endless.
A common approach to a I-IV-V Blues progression (all major chords), is the use of a minor pentatonic scale over all three chords. For example, a chord progression utilizing an A7 (I chord), progressing to a D9 chord (IV chord), and then using an E9 chord as the V chord would generally dictate the use of an A minor pentatonic scale (played at the 5th fret; A) for all three chords. This type of chord progression is considered standard Blues I-IV-V. However, the guitar scale approach can be anything but standard. It's all open to interpretation as a guitarist or any instrumentalist. The interpretation is where the fun comes in.
Visit the Ultra Guitar Method website today. Your future is now.
Can you imagine approaching a simple Blues progression with hundreds of choices to throw at the progression? If not, then you're limiting yourself. It's really that simple. When the thirst for authentic education hits, progress is inevitable.
Whatever your style, it's important to develop an awareness of music theory. Through this awareness, you'll develop the ability to make choices. This is a winning scenario.
Another fun approach to the D9 (IV chord) chord, is to play a D Mixolydian Scale (no substitutions) against the D9 chord, but only against the D9 chord. The Mixolydian Scale is a dominant scale. Therefore, it works and sounds great against the D9 chord, which is a dominant chord. The sound of this particular combination is very uplifting to an audience. It also contains an element of surprise. Surprise is a good thing in music.
As a general rule, less is more when playing the Blues. The chords referenced above are extended chords. While they may be used in a Blues scenario, it's best to keep the chord progressions and the actual chords simple. Simplicity is the essence of the Blues. The beauty is in the scale selection (melodic solo application). When the actual chords are 3 or 4 part chords, the scale tones (whether pentatonic or diatonic) can imply different things for different listeners. Once again, this implication is what makes the movement of Blues attractive and emotional.
While others are losing valuable time on the standard old books of C, F and G, this is your opportunity to step directly into the future with a guitar method that is as flexible as your own personality and as vast as your imagination will allow.
Many guitarists think in terms of utilizing pentatonic scales when approaching a Blues situation. Further, many guitarist, in the contemporary sense, utilize the I- IV- V progression as their fundamental harmonic approach. The I- IV- V progression can be major chords (generally triads), dominant chords (7th's, 9th's, 11th's, 13th's), minor chords (minor triad, minor 7, minor 9, minor 11, minor 13, etc.), or a combination of all of these chords (and sometimes more).
As we all know, there many forms and styles of the Blues. Delta, Mississippi, and the Chicago Blues are just a few that come to mind. Many guitarists and artists have devoted their entire lives to perfecting their presentation of the Blues. Once again, this is well known by all. Most of us are thankful that they did.
Make no mistake about it; if your goal is to understand the entire guitar fingerboard and experience an incredible new mechanical and theoretical freedom as a guitar player, then Ultra Guitar Method is an absolute must.
The truth is that one could literally employ several altered chords, altered scales, and imply different key signatures all day and all night (including traditional minor keys and scales). That is, those who are well schooled in theory and application.
This article is intended to explain a few approaches to playing contemporary Blues guitar. Here, the guitar chord and guitar scale application is quite different from the above referenced forms of Blues. Further, this article is not intended to teach any particular style of Blues. The intent here is to merely examine some contemporary approaches to playing the Blues.
Could this article have contained references to key signatures and almost every melodic and harmonic approach to playing the Blues? The answer is yes. However, the true intent here is to help those who need a little motivation, not to spoon-feed.
A, A minor, A7, Am7, Amajor7, and A7sus4.
I'll throw out an example for people who are new to bar chords.
Lay your index finger behind the nut and pretend you are actually fretting the nut. I have to give credit to one of my students for discovering this. It really works well.
Once you understand the principle of taking an open chord and moving it up, there's really no limit to the number of chords you can learn.
E minor, E7, Em7, and E7sus4.
A bar chord is a chord that uses a bar (one finger laid across all the strings at a single fret). Note that 99% of bar chords will have other notes fretted as well. It's a bit like using your index finger as a built in capo - in fact it is exactly like that.
What Are Bar Chords?
Good luck learning how to play bar chords on guitar.
3) Move the shape up.
Some other easy open chords to turn into bar chords are:
Alright, now take that whole E major shape and move it up the next. You might think that it's easiest to only move up one fret, but it's not, because it requires the most pressure from the hand. I suggest moving up so that your index finger is now laid across the fifth fret.
Now, most beginning guitarists will finger this with their index, middle, and ring fingers. But we need to re-finger it so that the index finger is free to do the bar.
1) Re-finger the chord so the index finger is free.
The really cool thing about bar chords is that they can easily be moved up and down the neck (in more theoretical terms, transposed).
2) Pretend you are "barring the nut."
How To Play Bar Chords On Guitar
So, you will end up with this:
You can also do this with chords that have a root on the A string, like:
Take a regular old E major chord. The one that looks like this:
Learning how to play bar chords can really open up your ability to play any song on the guitar. If you can master four basic shapes, and get familiar with the note names on the low E string, then you will be well on your way to becoming an all-around, go-to guitarist.
This is an A chord, because the root is the note A. This type of bar chord has the root on the sixth (low E) string.
To a lot of guitarists, the most interesting part of playing the guitar is the ability to play other musicians' songs. For some others, the most rewarding point is to be able to play the best acoustic guitar songs ever. Having said that, there are so many quality guitar songs out there that it is hard to pick which ones are really the most amazing ones. In this article we will delve deeper into the mind process involved in choosing the best acoustic guitar songs.
#1 Riders On the storm By the Door
The best acoustic guitar songs seem to have two simple components. The first one is an acoustic guitar. The second one is a singer. From the earliest country songs to today's most famous rock ballads it has always been an art to be able to perform a song with just a voice an acoustic guitar. Only the best performers and song writers can do it. Songs of this caliber become immortalized as the best acoustic songs because of a very straightforward factor: they are simple. To be able to play such songs is a definite winner in parties or family gatherings.
#6 Sitting on the Dock of the bay by Otis Redding
#7 Silent night-Christmas song
Here is my selection of some of the best songs you can learn to play on the acoustic guitar if you are beginner. This selection is everything but exhaustive so please do not feel offended if your best tune is not there.
Many people would also raise the point that a good acoustic song has to possess a certain amount of sing-ability. Musicians often see the best guitar songs as the ones with the least vocal tricks but with the most guitar magic. However, it is interesting to note that most people think otherwise. They will often see the best acoustic guitar tunes as the ones with the best sing-ability factor regardless of the guitar tricks. Songs you can easily hum anytime, anywhere and that stay on your lips and float on your mind for ever.
#2 Happy Christmas (War is Over) by John Lennon
Of course, it is up to you to make the choice of learning a song and you will find that learning a song you like makes the whole process a lot easier. Play along to your favorite song and you will quickly improve your confidence and graciously move on to some more unknown musical territory with ease.
#4 Happy by the Rolling Stones
The 7 Best Acoustic Songs For Beginners - How To Choose Your Song To Learn Acoustic Guitar
#5 Tangled up in Blue by Bob Dylan
In the mid-1950s, two men got into a fight during one of King's performances. The men knocked over a kerosene stove and set fire to the venue. King raced outdoors to safety and then realised he'd left his beloved acoustic guitar behind. He rushed back in to retrieve it and almost lost his life. He found out later that the fight had been over a woman.
In 1947, he hitchhiked to Memphis, Tennessee to pursue his music career and it is first love. His first major break came in 1948 when he performed on Sonny Boy Williamson's radio broadcast. As the years well by, King has developed one of the world's most identifiable guitar styles.
Zack Roberts is the founder of 50 Blues Music Studios. He is a professional full time musician and guitar instructor, specializing in classic blues and rock music. He also runs a recording studio in Jersey City, NJ
See how these blues backing tracks will fuel your creativity and passion to inspire you to play killer blues riffs and licks.
In his youth he played on street corners for dimes and pennies! He was born on 16 September, 1925 on a plantation in Itta Bena, Mississippi, near Indianola. He spent his youth playing on street corners for dimes. Today B.B. King (Riley B. King) averages 250 'packed to the rafters' concerts around the world each and every year.
He borrowed from Blind Lemon Jefferson, T-Bone Walker and others, incorporating his distinct and complex voice-like string blends and his left-handed vibrato, both of which have become vital components of a blues guitarist's vocabulary. His economy, his every-note-counts phrasing, has been a model for thousands of players from Eric Clapton and George Harrison to Jeff Beck.
Just imagine having the best acoustic and electric blues bands to jam with you, anytime, anywhere! Its the #1 secret weapon for blues guitarists, harmonica and harp musicians.
The History of BB King - Would You Play Blues Guitar In Street Corners for Dimes?