The joy you feel when you practice will probably be present when you perform the piece of music in front of public and will also reach your audience.
When you practice and memorize your guitar pieces or songs remember to always play your music at the same artistic level as when you perform.
This is also an excellent time to record your performance for later evaluation.
There are many occasions when you can perform and play your music in the home and maybe you will also encourage others in your family or among your friends to play on their instruments in such a setting.
If you want to help your imagination a bit you can put empty chairs in front of you representing the audience. One step further is to put your children's teddies on the chairs.
The act of recording is like having a critic in the public.
Don't make this recording thing to complicated. In these days with cell phones and mp3 players it's an easy task to accomplish.
A way to create momentum to practise your guitar repertoire is to set up an informal concert with a couple of pieces in the setting of your own home.
The members of your own family could be the public.
But if you don't like to perform?
Guitar Playing - What About Performing
Of course you have to plan ahead in order to suggest a performance and in order to prepare yourself.
One great way to create motivation to practice on your guitar is to perform in front of other people in different ways. Do you like to perform in front of others? Let's see how to enjoy performing and also give other people enjoyment!
Performing really doesn't need to be so formal!
On such an occasion you have to exercise self discipline and play those pieces in your actual program from beginning to end. If you would make a mistake in front of a public, what would you do?
As you memorize your music you will also memorize your attitude, posture and your tension level.
You can actually practice the art of performing on your guitar without people present. One way is to use your imagination and pretend that you perform in front of others.
Listening to other artists recordings will also be of great benefit.
You have to look upwards in order to climb to a higher level in your guitar playing and this will be accomplished by listening to guitar players on a higher artistic level than yourself.
Probably you would want to minimize the effect of this mistake and just play on. This is what you have to practice even in this relaxed setting.
Just for comparison, if you take a look at the sheet music for the same song you will be presented with a bunch of black dots that do not do a thing to help you play the song. The language of sheet music is not as simple as tab language. There is a whole background of musical theory behind the little black dots on the page. Learning theory takes time and effort, and unless you see some way you will benefit from learning music it is just going to clutter up your brain with useless furniture.
Now let us move onto tabs for guitar chords. Here is an E Major chord:
Guitar tabs fast track your learning of songs, but there is one condition: you must already know what these songs sound like. You see, there are some elements missing from tabs that are present in conventional sheet music. Tabs do not give you a time signature or note values. Basically that means you can play the notes but, without hearing the song played by somebody else, you will not know how long each note lasts. But the chances are when you are starting out learning to play guitar you will probably be wanting to play songs you have heard before.
Learn How to Read Guitar Tabs
If you are learning guitar you have probably heard about tablature, or tabs. As a new guitar player you are anxious to start playing songs, and you have been told that tabs are the easiest way to learn. That is good news. You do not need to spend weeks or months learning music theory.
If you want to start playing guitar right away, grab the tabs for your favorite song and take a look at what the tab consists of:
So there are some faults with relying exclusively on tabs to learn songs but if you work at learning your guitar tabs you will find that you will be able to play guitar just as well as a guitarist with a knowledge of musical notation.
You will probably believe me when I tell you that the tab is a representation of the neck of the guitar. You find out which frets to put your fingers at by following the numbers printed along the strings. If there is a number 3 on the top string, that means you put your finger at the third fret on the top E string - the thinnest string on the guitar. You have just played the note G. No problem. The guitar is your oyster.
Guitar tablature is a system of musical notation which is very popular with guitarists. With guitar tabs a composer can express most musical ideas on the acoustic or electric guitar in a clear, straightforward way.